The Art of Tolerance, Forgiveness, Love | The 2016 year is almost over. 2017 is soon!
Today I'm going to write something that, seems like nobody is talking about anymore these days - Tolerance & forgiveness. I mean, the most important things of our relationships with others and the world. As the year of 2016 approaches its grand finale I think it is of great importance to talk about these things. To think about tolerance and forgiveness means to look at ourselves and see purpose not just in our self but in each and all of us. A time to look back and reflect on what had happened and to think about what we did right or where we went wrong.
I'm not going to write about politics in great length, I'm not very good at writing about politics. However, one thing is worth mentioning that despite our hardships and problems, the roughness of this year we still worked pretty hard (some of you harder) and did a pretty decent job.
I want to start off by writing about tolerance first. What is tolerance? Tolerance is saving ourselves from bursting into laughs when you know it may offend someone. Tolerance is not losing our temper. Tolerance is telling yourself "Oh well. it happens". Tolerance is respecting others even though you don't feel like it.
Our current society of this day is full of ways to express ourselves, but sometimes it is difficult to do it because you don't feel like it. Waiting for the right moment to shine is exhausting and grows tiresome as the time passes on by. But if we don't express tolerance for each other we might get offended easily and lose our temper. A lack of healthy tolerance can damage our relationships. Don't be reluctant to do something nice too.
Which leads me to another part of this topic that is forgiveness. It is very important to forgive. To clear ourselves from bad feelings. Cleanse our minds. Even when times are rough we ought to forgive. Because if there is too much going on you won't be able to live at your best ability. To perform at your best you must be fresh and free of feeling bad. Forgiveness helps to do so.
Tolerance is accepting others as they are, for who they are.
I think it's about time we start living with more love.
Happy 2017!